Our platform serves foreigners in need of creating a company in Mexico. Such support includes legal, consulting, domicile, logistic and accounting services.
A great diversity of people who wish to expand their business to Mexico visit tracer.mx.
Welcome to the site!
This information should inform you of our products in order to ensure a SoftLanding in Mexico. We understand that as an entrepreneur, you are constantly seeing multiple perspectives, by analyzing conveniences, reviewing logistics, establishing strategies to open new markets or optimizing production and internal processes.
We recognize that this task is not an easy one, which is why in order to ensure a good execution of your ideas, we offer an alliance. We hope to help you achieve success in your future projects by understanding your business models and plans.
Our experience has led us to develop a menu of services and a homogeneous methodology which assists in the process of SoftLanding in Mexico.
Our experience includes all types of corporate and business creation services such as business model analysis and the determination of necessary contracts. Additionally, we offer the following basic services:
- Accounting Package - Basic Startup. An efficient service designed for newly created companies with the purpose of the consolidation of the company using direct accounting processes.
- Legal Representation Service. Includes a legal representative for any requirement of the company. A fixed monthly amount as well as an additional amount per signature and for management time is charged.
- Commissioner service. Comply with the company's surveillance obligations established by law, in particular monitoring of the management, conduct and execution of the company's business.
- Fiscal Address Service. It includes physical space for a person, a fiscal address, reception, custody and notice of correspondence and use of two hours of monthly meeting room in our Mexico City Office.
- Membership on Tracer's Platform. Membership on our SaaS platform, which supports compliance with the corporate legal obligations of the company.
Our SoftLanding service is modular. You choose what you require according to your circumstances and future plans.
This can include anything from creating the company to providing registered office, which is obtained through resolving contractual, accounting or legal appointment necessities.
Hopefully, we can count on your trust. If you have any questions, we recommend you schedule a call in our Free Advice section.