Our platform serves foreigners in need of creating a company in Mexico. Such support includes legal, consulting, domicile, logistic and accounting services.
In Mexico there are limited liability companies, the (Sociedad Anonima) Stock Company, for example. It is one of the most used vehicles when someone wants to create a company in Mexico. Its creation requires the representation of the shareholders and to carry out the procedure before a public notary. The business creation process in Mexico takes approximately one month. Here we will briefly give you the steps to follow for foreigners who want to create a company in Mexico:
- Define from the point of view of taxes and foreign trade what type of company you require;
- Define the name of the company and request authorization of the denomination;
- Prepare the bylaws applicable to the operation of the company;
- Define if the shareholders will be physically present in Mexico to sign the bylaws before a public notary; in case of not being it, they will have to apostille the respective powers;
- Issue the articles of incorporation of the company created in Mexico;
- Define the softlanding service that is applicable to them;
- Register the new company in the Public Registry of Commerce; and
- Obtain the RFC (tax identification number).
At Tracer Mexico we have helped hundreds of foreigners to carry out their operations in Mexico.
Hopefully, we can count on your trust. If you have any questions, we recommend you schedule a call in our Free Advice section.